How can I help manage the emotional undercurrents I pick up on without getting overwhelmed myself?

How can I help manage the emotional undercurrents I pick up on without getting overwhelmed myself?

I’m so confused… please guide me with your experience.

Chief Changed status to publish May 26, 2024
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Nam vitae neque ligula. Morbi egestas laoreet erat, eget dapibus lorem commodo a. Cras dui ligula, fringilla ac ligula vel, imperdiet ornare elit. Quisque vel condimentum justo.

Duis varius, dolor sed lacinia congue, nisi nibh rutrum lacus, et ullamcorper nulla felis vel diam. Nulla eu pretium metus, nec euismod arcu. Phasellus ut porta nisl. Maecenas nibh felis, iaculis nec venenatis at, lobortis id ipsum.

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